How Emotions Can Help You Make Better Choices: Beating the Anchoring Bias

We’ve all been there – making decisions is a part of life, and sometimes we let our feelings get the best of us. But what if I told you that emotions can actually be our secret weapon in making smarter choices? Enter emotional intelligence (EQ). It’s about understanding and managing your emotions, and it’s a game-changer when it comes to beating tricky cognitive biases like anchoring bias.

Anchoring bias occurs when individuals rely too heavily on the first piece of information encountered when making decisions, potentially leading to flawed and biased judgments.

So, let’s dive into how EQ can help us make wiser decisions with a few real-life examples.

Know Yourself: First things first, emotional intelligence is all about knowing yourself. This means understanding your feelings, thoughts, and quirks. Let’s say you’re thinking about buying a car, and you spot a fancy sports car with a huge price tag. Your initial thought might be, “I need this!” But, if you’re emotionally intelligent, you’d recognize this as an emotional reaction and take a step back to gather more info and consider other options.

Keep Your Cool: Emotional intelligence also helps you keep your cool when you’re about to make a decision. Picture this: you’re in a negotiation for a job, and the employer throws out a low starting salary. Your EQ skills kick in, allowing you to stay calm and collected instead of jumping on that initial anchor. You can counter with data and facts, rather than reacting emotionally.

    Put Yourself in Others’ Shoes: Empathy is a big part of emotional intelligence. Imagine you’re planning a group trip, and everyone has different ideas about where to go. With high EQ, you’d listen to everyone’s opinions and understand where they’re coming from. Instead of sticking to your own initial idea and anchoring to it, you’d be more open to considering various destinations.

    Be a Team Player: Social skills are crucial for emotional intelligence. In decision-making, they come in handy when you need to consult with others. Let’s say you’re choosing a restaurant for a big celebration. Instead of picking your favorite spot and sticking to it, you’d involve your friends in the process, considering their preferences and making the choice together.

    Stay Motivated: Motivation, another EQ component, is what keeps you going when it comes to overcoming biases. Let’s say you’re working in a demanding job and aiming for career advancement. Staying motivated in this context means setting clear career goals, continuously improving your skills, and persisting in your efforts, even when faced with challenges such as rejection from job applications, rejections during interviews, or tough competition from colleagues. Your motivation will drive you to keep pushing forward, learning from your setbacks, and eventually achieving your career aspirations.

      In this scenario, staying motivated is crucial to overcoming the emotional hurdles that may arise during the pursuit of career growth and making informed decisions that align with your long-term objectives.

      Emotional intelligence isn’t just about “feelings.” It’s a practical tool for making better decisions. It helps you catch those anchoring biases when they creep in, like when you’re tempted by the shiny sports car, rattled by a low job offer, or stuck on your first vacation idea. Instead of being swayed by your emotions, EQ empowers you to consider the bigger picture, stay cool under pressure, empathize with others, collaborate, and stay motivated to make choices that are smarter and more fulfilling.

      Let’s understand anchoring bias

      Anchoring bias is a cognitive bias where individuals rely too heavily on the first piece of information encountered when making decisions. Overcoming anchoring bias requires awareness and deliberate strategies. Here are steps to help you overcome this bias:

      1. Recognize the Bias: The first step is to be aware of the anchoring bias. Understand that it exists and can influence your decision-making process.
      2. Seek Additional Information: Actively gather more information and data before making a decision. This can help you break free from the influence of the initial anchor. Be thorough in your research.
      3. Question the Anchor: Challenge the initial anchor or reference point. Ask yourself if it’s relevant and truly meaningful for the decision you’re making. Is there a better anchor or reference point that should be considered?
      4. Consider Multiple Anchors: Try to find and consider more than one anchor or reference point. By having multiple sources of information, you can balance the influence of any single anchor.
      5. Delay Your Decision: When possible, give yourself time before making a decision. This allows you to think more critically and reduce the impact of the initial anchor.
      6. Use Comparative Analysis: Instead of fixating on a single anchor, compare multiple options and their pros and cons. This helps you make a more informed decision based on the relative merits of each choice.
      7. Consult Others: Seek input and advice from others, especially those with diverse perspectives. They can provide alternative anchors and help you see the decision from different angles.
      8. Set Clear Criteria: Establish clear decision-making criteria or guidelines in advance. When you have predefined standards, you’re less likely to be swayed by an arbitrary anchor.
      9. Employ Decision-Making Tools: Use decision-making frameworks or tools, such as decision matrices or cost-benefit analysis, which can help structure your thinking and reduce the influence of anchors.
      10. Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness and self-awareness techniques can help you become more conscious of the anchoring bias in real-time decision-making. Meditation and self-reflection can be beneficial.
      11. Educate Yourself: Learn about various cognitive biases, including anchoring, to better understand how they can impact your judgment. The more you know, the more equipped you’ll be to counteract these biases.
      12. Seek Feedback: After making decisions, seek feedback on your choices from trusted individuals. This can help you identify any lingering effects of anchoring bias and refine your decision-making process.

      Remember that overcoming anchoring bias is an ongoing process that may require practice and self-awareness. By actively applying these strategies, you can make more rational and well-informed decisions, reducing the impact of the initial anchor on your choices.

      As we go through life’s maze of decisions, emotional intelligence becomes your trusted guide, helping you choose wisely, build better relationships, and embrace a more balanced, informed, and enjoyable journey. So, don’t underestimate the power of your emotions – they might just be the secret sauce to making the right call.

      Você ainda não tem um coach?


      Coaching é a arma secreta de muitas pessoas de sucesso nos esportes, nos negócios e na política. Essa profissão está crescendo rapidamente e a demanda é maior do que nunca. Nos últimos anos coaching ficou mais acessível  e a quantidade de pessoas que passaram por processos de coaching aumentaram exponencialmente.  Mesmo assim, coaching ainda é usado principalmente a nivel executivo,  como diz William Gibson “O futuro já está aqui, somente que não está distribuído igualmente.”
      O CEO da sua empresa tem um coach, e você?
      Você deveria, sabe porque?
      Coaching significa: “descobertas, consciência, escolhas e mudanças.” É uma série de conversas focalizadas para apoiá-lo no  esclarecimento  das  escolhas e mudanças que você quer fazer na sua vida, na carreira ou nos negócios. Coaching pode ajudá-lo a encontrar o cerne do desafio, os recursos para resolvê-lo e a maneira de como reagir às situações.
      Descoberta –  O que você está tolerando? Quem você está se tornando?
      O coach convida para a descoberta através de poderosas perguntas provocantes.
      Criando claridade no que você realmente quer atingir na sua vida e/ou negócios.
      Ajuda você a enxergar por cima dos ângulos cegos e áreas vulneráveis.
      Ajuda você a descobrir o espaço entre onde você está no momento e onde você quer ir.
      O coach ajuda você a ver as suas barreiras de desempenho.
      O coach lhe dá uma perspectiva externa.
      O coach proporciona o espaço e o tempo para voltar atrás e refletir sobre o seu trabalho e a vida pessoal.
      Ele faz perguntas desconfortáveis e provocantes.
      Quais são as escolhas que você está fazendo? Quais são as escolhas que você não está fazendo? Quais são as outras opções?
      O coach está aqui para desafiar suas escolhas se elas não estiverem alinhadas com seus valores.
      O coach pede para você entrar em pocesso das suas escolhas.
      O coach desafia você a buscar por avanços.
      O coach incentiva você a pensar estrategicamente.

      Como você vê a mudança? O que é possível? O que você quer? O que está vindo para você?
      Às vezes, mudar significa querer mais alguma coisa na vida, às vezes menos:
      O coach o coloca responsável pelas promessas feitas.
      Ele convida você a desacelerar e relaxar, mas também desafia você a acelerar se você tende a procrastinar.
      Ele te empurra quando você se sentir travado.
      Reconhece seus esforços.
      Brainstorms com você.
      Mantém o foco e sempre mantém em mente a grande visão.
      Ajuda a criar estratégias de enfrentamento para situações desafiadoras.

      Grandes coaches são treinados para:

      • Estar presente
      • Ser curioso
      • Não julgar
      • Falar a verdade e intrometer se você não está sendo verdadeiro para si mesmo
      • Sentir e usar a intuição
      • Escutar profundamente as palavras ditas e as omissas
      • Detectar o desejo genuíno contra vozes de auto-sabotagem
      • Aceitár do jeito que você é
      • Reformular e parafrasear o que você diz para ouvi-lo de uma maneira nova e perspicaz
      • criar um espaço seguro para que você possa sonhar, experimentar e criar estratégias

      Ter um coach pode ser fundamental para o seu sucesso pessoal ou da empresa, mas você precisa de um coach? Não necessariamente. Assim como nos esportes, você pode ser bem sucedido com seus próprios meios, mas se você deseja obter resultados mais rápidos e maiores, você contrata um personal trainer. Isso que o coach é. Seu treinador pessoal de sucesso – para apoiá-lo, incentivá-lo e desafiá-lo. Mas no final do dia, é você quem tem de fazer o “exercício”. Seu coach não podera fazer isso por você.
      Renato Moreira – Coach Executivo
      Eu treino líderes para alcançarem um desempenho e uma carreira de sucesso, através da resiliência, paixão e propósito. Ao aplicar os métodos de introspecção e prática deliberada, ajudo meus clientes remover interferências e desbloquear o que eles já são capazes – o desempenho máximo. Também trabalho one-on-one com especialistas em tecnologia  para ajudá-los a se tornarem grandes administradores.

      Falar em Público

      No periodo em que eu estive envolvido em ajudar as pessoas a falar em público, percebi o quanto a maioria de nós somos confusos em relação ao significado do termo comunicação.
      Em uma forma basica seria: falar com outra pessoa, comunicar seus pensamentos e dizer-lhe uma historia, seja ela qual for, da forma mais sincera e honesta possível; hoje é uma forma quase rara, esta se perdeu.
      O mundo inteiro ama ouvir histórias,  sejam elas verdadeiras ou as que sabemos que foram inventadas – nós não nos importamos  – desde que sejam emocionalmente verdadeiras.
      E ainda mais, o contador da historia, seja ele quem for, tem que ser tocado pela historia que esta contando, para fazer isso; primeiro ele tem que entender o que quer contar.
      Para fazer isso, primeiro ele têm que entender a pessoa que esta contando a história – ele têm de compreender a si mesmo.
      Todo ser humano que se atreve a levantar e falar em frente as pessoas, tem uma enorme responsabilidade em falar de dentro do  coração. Isto é o que nós vamos explorar. Conversar com as pessoas é sempre emocional, não há como esconder as emoções, mas aprender a expressar-se honestamente não será tão assustador ou tão difícil quanto você imagina.
      O medo é a chave que tranca a porta do potencial das pessoas. Se você se sentir seguro para falar, sua honestidade natural e eloqüência será ouvida.
      A confiança para falar facilmente a um público já existe dentro em você. O que você provavelmente precisará, acima de tudo  é a crença de que ela está lá. Essa crença vai crescer, à medida que exploramos tanto físico como emocionalmente aquilo que te impede.
      Falar com outras pessoas pode ser qualquer coisa entre um prazer e um pesadelo. O quão bom ou ruim que você acredita que comunica seus pensamentos e sonhos sobre  o mundo ao seu redor – é o que você faz deles.
      O que será que os grandes comunicadores têm em comum? Consciente ou inconscientemente, eles conseguem gerar estados alterados de consciência ou percepção nos quais o consciente e o inconsciente das pessoas se tornam mais receptivos. 

      Renato MoreiraCoach Executivo
      Organizo o workshop “Descubra a sua voz”
      Uma experiência  transformativa  combinando coaching ,PNL e técnicas de oratoria, onde aprendemos como encontrar a sua verdadeira voz. Vamos  explorar as qualidades de uma conversa perfeita e mostrar como alcançá-la a cada vez que você conversa.
      Aprenda processos mentais que te  conduzem a enfrentar seu medo e desmistificar o que é que faz com que algumas pessoas falam terrivelmente  e outras falam brilhantemente. À medida que exploramos como encontrar a chave para abrir a parte oculta em você, o resto seguirá seguira fluentemente, dando-lhe cada vez mais confiança para mostrar seu verdadeiro eu.
      Desenvolva a habilidade de entender como usar a linguagem verbal e não-verbal para melhorar sua comunicação. informações:

      The practitioners of magic


      Down through the ages the power and wonder of practitioners of magic have been recorded in song and story. The presence of wizards, witches, sorcerers , shamans, and gurus has always been intriguing and  inspiring to the average person. These people of power, wrapped in a cloak of secrecy, presented a striking contradiction to the common ways of dealing, with the world. The spells and incantations they wove were feared beyond belief and, at the same time, sought constantly for the help they could provide.

      Whenever these people of power publicly performed their wonders, they would both shatter the concepts of reality of that time and place and present themselves as having something that was beyond learning, In modern time, the mantle of the wizards is most often place upon those dynamic practitioners of psychotherapy who exceed the skill of  others therapists by leap and bounds, and whose works is so amazing to watch that it moves us with powerful emotions, disbelief, and utter confusion. Just as with all wizards of the ages of the earth whose knowledge was treasured and passed down from sage to sage – losing and adding pieces but retaining a basic structure – so, too, does the magic of those therapeutic wizards also have structure.

      The prince and the magician
      Once upon a time there was a young prince who believed in all things but three. He did not believe in princesses, he did not believe in islands, he did not believe in God. His father, the king told him that such things did not exist. As there were no princesses or islands in his father’s domains, and no sign of God, the prince believed his father.
      But then, one day, the prince ran away from his palace and come to the next island. There, to his astonishment, from every coast he saw islands,  and on these islands, strange and troubling creatures whom he dared not name. As he was searching for a boat, man in full dress approached him along the shore.
      “Are those real islands? asked the young prince.
      “Of course they are real islands,” said the man in evening dress.
      “And those strange and troubling creatures?”
      They are all genuine and authentic princesses.”
      “Then God must also exist!. cried the prince.
      “I am God,” replied the man in evening dress, with a bow.
      The young prince returned home as quickly as he could.
      “So, you are back”, said his father, the king.
      “I have seem islands, I have seem princesses, I have seem God,”
      said the prince reproachfully.
      The king was unmoved.
      “Neither real islands, nor real princesses, nor a real God exist”
      “I saw them!”
      “Tell me how God was dressed.”
      “God was in full evening dress.”
      “Were the sleeves of his coat rolled back?”
      The prince remembered that they had been. The kid smiled.
      “That is the uniform of a magician.  You have been deceived.”
      At this, the prince returned to the next land and went to the same shore, where once again he came upon the man in full evening dress.
      “My father, the king told me who you are,” said the prince indignantly. You deceived me last time, but not again.
      Now I know that those are not real islands and real princesses, because you are magician.”
      The man on the shore smiled.
      “It is you who are deceived, my boy. In your father’s kingdom, there are may islands and many princesses. But you are under your father’s spell, so you cannot see them.”
      The prince pensively return home. When he saw his father, the looked him in the eyes.
      “Father, is it  true that you are not a real king, but only a magician?”
      The king smiled and rolled back his sleeves.
      “Yes, my son, I’m only a magician.”
      “Then the man on the other shore was God.”
      “The man on the other shore was another magician.”
      “I must know the truth, the truth beyond magic.”
      “There is no truth beyond magic,” said the king.
      The prince was full of sadness. He said, “I will kill myself.”
      The king by magic caused death to appear. Death stood in the door and beckoned  to the prince. The prince shuddered. He remembered the beautiful but unreal islands and the unreal but beautiful princesses.
      “Very well” he said, “I can bear it.”
      “You see, my son,” said the king, “you, too, now begin to be a magician.”

      from the books: The Magus by John Fowles and The Structure of Magic  by Richard Bandler & John Grinder

      As a coach I invite my clients to expand the workspace. Many limitations are self imposed. We are prisoners of our own minds. We wake up each morning and act out a story we have written about who we are and the role we play in our family, community, and organisation. We have a personal narrative about what is possible for us, what can be done and what cannot, and then we live our lives within that script, re-creating and solidifying the store each day. Through the intense and candid dialogue of a coaching relationship, we are able to learn about how we have been crafting these scripts and begin to see where we have placed arbitrary boundaries around ourselves.

      One of the greatest values that coaching has to offer is that it demands action. Coaching beings with a conversation, but the real work starts when the Talent (coachee)  goes back to his  life and begin to behave differently. Through this process, he learns that previous limitations no longer exits and in fact, they never did. He expands the range in which he can act, and in so doing, increases his “response-ability.”
      Renato Moreira


      It happened at a New York Airport. This is hilarious. I wish I had the guts of this girl. An award should go to the United Airlines gate agent in New York for being smart and funny, while making her point, when confronted with a passenger who probably deserved to fly as cargo. For all of you out there who have had to deal with an irate customer, this one is for you.
      A crowded United Airlines flight was canceled. A single agent was re-booking a long line of inconvenienced travelers.
      Suddenly, an angry passenger pushed his way to the desk. He slapped his ticket on the counter and said, “I HAVE to be on this flight and it has to be FIRST CLASS.”
      The agent replied, “I’m sorry, sir. I’ll be happy to try to help you, but I’ve got to help these folks first;  and them I’m sure we’ll be able to work something out.”
      The passenger was unimpressed. He asked loudly, so that the passengers behind him could hear, “DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO I AM?”
      Without hesitating, the agent smiled and grabbed her public address microphone. “May I have your attention, please?”, she began, her voice heard clearly throughout the terminal. “We have a passenger here at Gate 14 WHO DOES NOT KNOW WHO HE IS. If anyone can help him with his identity, please come to Gate 14”.
      With the folks behind him in line laughing hysterically, the man glared at the United Airlines agent, gritted his teeth, and said, “F*** You!”
      Without flinching, she smiled and said, “I’m sorry sir, you’ll have to get in line for that, too.”
      Life isn’t about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.
      Reframing is another way of looking at things. The concept of cognitive reframing consists of changing the way people see things and trying to find alternative ways of viewing ideas, events, situations, or a variety of other concepts. And interpreting language is one way. The air line agent was very quick in responding to this and also to reframe. This was something she did in a speedy way.
      Comedians use reframing a lot and reframing usually has a humorous effect. In this case the effect on the customer was the opposite and therefore reframing can have different effects and can be found with or without so called “rapport”, or having a click with someone.
      Reframing has a huge effect on the subconscious mind. It breaks thinking and especially in cases of problem thinking or limiting beliefs.
      Well, a problem is never a problem actually. It is a state in which you approach a context right?!
      And a limiting belief is only limiting when you see it as limiting right, just like there is always another direction for the things you don’t want. It is usually the things you want.

      As a coach I invite my clients to expand the workspace. Many limitations are self imposed. We are prisoners of our own minds. We wake up each morning and act out a story we have written about who we are and the role we play in our family, community, and organisation. We have a personal narrative about what is possible for us, what can be done and what cannot, and then we live our lives within that script, re-creating and solidifying the store each day. Through the intense and candid dialogue of a coaching relationship, we are able to learn about how we have been crafting these scripts and begin to see where we have placed arbitrary boundaries around ourselves.

      One of the greatest values that coaching has to offer is that it demands action. Coaching beings with a conversation, but the real work starts when the Talent (coachee)  goes back to his  life and being to behave differently. Through this process, he learns that previous limitations no longer exits and in fact, they never did. He expands the range in which he can act, and in so doing, increases his “response-ability.”
      Renato Moreira



      “Vulnerability is the capacity or susceptibility to being hurt. The word vulnerable is also synonymous with the words openness and exposure. When a person is truly vulnerable, there is an unobstructed entrance or view to the person’s heart, being and soul. In the strongest or most enlightened person, there is no protecting or concealing cover because the person needs none. Such people carry themselves in full view of others because they are not afraid of being hurt, because they are not afraid to suffer.”

      We want to be perfect, we want our children to be perfect, we want our life to be perfect,  we pretend what we do to be perfect, we tend to control and predict, we avoid taking risks , we have fears for the unknown.
       We make the uncertain certain and then we blame others for everything is not working as we expect.
      It is time to take responsibility and be accountable for our actions.
      When we find our voice, and we know who we are,  accepting  that what happens to us is our 100% responsibility! Many of the challenges we are facing now are results of  choices we made consciously or unconsciously that dictated the flows of the consequences see as, not in our control.
      We can’t change the past, but we can control how we see our past.
      There is a magical moment when we expose our  weakness, have the courage to tell our story, accept to be imperfect and  have compassion for yourself,  at that moment we build a connection.
      When we embrace vulnerability, we have the sense of belonging.
      We often believe: “we are not good enough!” that is how we cover up.
      Let you go who you should be!
      We reach a level where we are not willing to do something first, do the first step. We forgot how to initiate sex with our partner, how to give affection to the beloveds, how to ask for help, how to ask silly questions, we created that sense of perfectness choking your emotions.
      Let yourself be seen!
      Practise gratitude and joy!
      Yes!! I am good enough
      And stop screaming and start listening.

      Renato Moreira – Business Coach